Baumschule Lescow
Owner: Jan Lescow
Hauptstr. 29
25335 Bokholt-Hanredder
Ph.: +49 4123 2247
Tax ID No. [Umsatzsteuer-ID]
DE 255 191 883
Legal Form Of Company [Gesellschaftsform]
Individual Enterprise
Despite a thorough check, we cannot ensure that all information on this website is correct. We hereby point out possible mistakes in the content of this website and we acquit us from any liability and claims. Furthermore, we do not have control over the content of websites that are linked through our website. Only their operators are responsible for its content.
All content of this website is protected by copyright law and may not be used or edited without written permission from Jan Lescow. Downloads are permitted for private use only.
All of our website services are provided without the use of personal data, as far as possible. Insofar as personal data are collected on our website, this is done just on a voluntary basis. We point out that data transmission over the Internet can have possible security gaps, which may occur when sending e-mails or through other actions in the internet. A full protection of unauthorized access to data by third parties cannot be guaranteed. The use of contact data provided through the compulsory legal notice of this websites by third parties is herby expressly excluded. The operator of these websites expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited promotional information from third parties (such as spam e-mails). If you would like your personal data to be erased for our data base, please contact us and we will pursue your request as soon as possible.
Data protection officer: Hanna Lescow